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  Issue #105
23 years Creativegarh
  A newsletter from Creativegarh to help you live a life of passion, purpose and meaning.  
  Our life is a game of hide and seek.  
  A big, fulfilling life is not a game of peek-a-boo. It's a full-body-face-off with your fears
and demons. It's not a game where you find a safe space, it's where you stand in the open and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
  Either you hide or you seek.  
  When you hide, you hide your power and light from the world. When you seek,
you become the light.
  Playing hide is about fear. Playing seek is about seeking, self awareness and love.  
  When you hide, you remain in the pain, the drudgery, the comfort zone because
you are used to it. When you seek, you realise that being comfortable does not meane
you are happy or fulfilled.
  When you hide, you settle for mediocrity. When you seek, you become the trust version of what you were meant to be. And what you can be is infinite.  
  When you hide, you avoid challenges. When you seek, you seek challenges so you can evolve from failures.  
  When you hide, you protect your worn-out ideas by closing the doors on everything.
When you seek, you throw open the doors and windows and create space for new ideas to penetrate your being.
  When you hide, you drink from the bottle of a life saving concoction. When you seek,
you unbottle and you drink the elixir of life.
  When you hide, you give up on your dreams because they are not realistic. When you seek, you create a new reality for yourself and the lives you touch.  
  When you hide, you try to change the outer world without looking at your inner environment. When you seek, you change your inner world and the outer environment changes on its own.  
  When you hide, you hide your face in the comfortable folds of your victimhood.
When you seek, you bare yourself to the world in your trueness.
  When you hide, you cower behind the walls of guilt and shame. When you seek, you tower over your past and demolish those very walls.  
  When you hide, you run away from honouring your purpose and the genius and treasures that you have been born with. When you seek, you run into life spreading all your
talents like confetti.
  When you hide, you create from a space of scarcity. When you seek, you create knowing that there's enough abundance in the universe for everyone.  
  Play seek, not hide.  
A life transformation program.
  Being a good person is not always the good thing.  
  Goodness lies in the eyes of our illusions. We tend to get caught in the virtue trap, the high moral ground, the right thing to do, selflessness, others before self, the inane sacrifices, generosity at the cost of peace of mind. We believe this is spirituality, living life in the
service of others.
  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  
  In our pursuit of personal growth and enlightenment, we are seduced by outside validation
and without even realising, we fall into the trap of mistaking virtue for spirituality. The virtue trap is a dangerous place where the outward display of goodness and moral superiority puts a veil on our true essence.
  It always seems like the right thing to do. Charity, kindness, selflessness, goodness, martyrdom of our own dreams may seem like manifestations of a deeply spiritual nature. Look deeper
and it dawns upon us that many times these actions of goodness are just blockbuster performances by us to bolster the ego and appear virtuous to the outside world seeking praise and a subconscious approval from others. This also a covert, undercover form of people pleasing.
  The problem is, this goodness is not reserved for big actions. It sneaks into our dailyness without warning.  
  Want to go on a solo trip but can't keep the team hanging? The team and clients will find
a way, your solo trip or not.
  Have been waiting to buy a piano for yourself but the son has suddenly discovered a love for gaming? Get the piano. The Xbox can wait. Prioritise yourself. Stop wanting to be seen as
a good, sacrificing parent, always. This game in which you always lose has to stop.
  Go on that reunion, the partner can feed the kids. Put your legs up and order in. One meal of outside food changs nothing but it’ll give you the taste of freedom.  
  Want to read a book all day with a glass of your favourite wine? Say no to the neighbour who needs help with the RWA elections. Just vote for your 'me' time. Been saving money for that telescope but the brother needs business funds. Ask him to give you space.  
  Do not martyr yourself in the service of others and for worldly approval. You don't have to be
a good person. Just be good to yourself.
  Our upcoming retreats  
Last 3 Seats Left
19th to 25th January
Sitting amidst lush landscapes and misty mountains, Munnar offers the perfect backdrop for a retreat focused on self-discovery, growth, and renewal of life purposes.
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whatsapp Reignite conversation
Registrations Open
16th to 22nd February
In a place of princely palaces and forts, travel back in time as we seek to relook into your life. Rediscover yourself amidst the undiscovered side of Thar at this retreat.
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whatsapp Reignite conversation
Registrations Open
16th to 22nd March
To reconnect to your inner child at a beautiful hillside retreat with 14+ soulful individuals will make this a life-transforming experience. See you at Andretta!
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whatsapp Reignite conversation
  This week, let's revisit  
  Kasauli March 2023  
Jodhpur Retreat
  Experience a life full of purpose  
The purpose of my life is to bring joy and happiness to the lives of the underprivileged.
Mitul Doshi
Kasauli, April 2023
The purpose of my life is to breathe new life
into old clothes.
Ayushi Agarwal
Kasauli, April 2023
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